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The tale of Sri Rama

This is one of those stories that never stop happening in Colombia. It narrates the usual abandonment to which thousands of animals are exposed daily,...

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A separation may bring new friends

Turkeys have gradually established themselves as one of the most popular birds for consumption in Colombia. Therefore, there are now more farms dedica...

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Platero the Donkey

  Platero was rescued 4 days ago by a friend from the sanctuary named Andrea, Andrea called us immediately to ask for help with a donkey who was ...

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The true concept of a Sanctuary

The concept of sanctuary is something that until now has been somehow established in Colombia, because in a rural culture like ours, animals are consi...

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Yeah! A raffle is here!

DONATE & ENTER We know it is a hard time for everyone and many of you might want to help but do not know how. Well, this is your chance: Would you...