A Rabbit Per Day, Save a Rabbit Today! 2021
A few days ago we found this scene of a pile of boxes with “male / female” notes in the sanctuary, the boxes contained 26 rabbits separated by their sex, some of the rabbits were obviously being reproduced for food and others for recreation ( sell them as pets). They are thin and slightly malnourished, but generally healthy.
These rabbits are now under our care, we need to sterilize them, give them veterinary attention, build suitable and larger areas (at this time they are in quarantine areas), but even more important we must maintain and feed them daily. The sanctuary rabbits are fed daily with fruits and vegetables, and twice a week they receive pellets, so the costs are not small, and we follow the proper diet (giving only the pellets causes digestive problems), we are very strict in the sanctuary with the diets that the animals receive since their health depends on this. We need all the help of our international community.
that’s why we created the bell: A Rabbit Per Day.
Every day we will show one of the rabbits and we hope that it gets a sponsor, that person would be in charge of saving the life of this rabbit.
You can sponsor a rabbit for $ 25 a month, but you can also help with more, we are counting on your help. We did not expect that all these rabbits were taken to the sanctuary, everything has been a great emergency, and we are not going to abandon them, they deserve health, happiness, and freedom.