JAS Certified by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries
July 30, 2020 (Chia Cundinamarca, Colombia) – The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), the only globally recognized organization providing ...
The Link Between a Plant-Based Diet and Mental Health (2021)
In today's world we are all looking for ways to optimize our mental health, right? Could a plant-based diet be ...
How you can help a farmed animals? Why you should help them?
Farm animals are kept in dirty and cramped cages in factory farms all over the world, where their physical activity ...
Cursos de cocina VEGANA
Ya estan aca! ¡Ya están acá! Después de muchos esfuerzos hemos logrado concretar unas clases de cocina veganas en el ...
Vegan Cooking Classes in Colombia
Pronto en Chia para la gente de Bogota y pueblos alrededores de Chia tendremos cursos de cocina vegana para todos, ...
Bullfighting back to Colombia
There is a revolution happening around the world for animals right now. It is not going away. It will only ...
Our Sanctuary partners with Mercy for Animals
We are happy to announce that Juliana's Animal Sanctuary (JAS) will now be collaborating with Mercy for Animals (MFA) to expand ...
The hard part
I've always said that I love that my life is dedicated to the happiness of animals and my animal sanctuary. Having ...
Only 100% vegan shop in Bogota, Colombia
The vegan movement in Colombia is relatively new, but many vegan entrepreneurs are striving to make veganism more accessible and ...