Our Sanctuary partners with Mercy for Animals

We are happy to announce that Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary (JAS) will now be collaborating with Mercy for Animals (MFA) to expand our vegan education and animal advocacy in Colombia.

Vice president of MFA, Nick Cooney has arranged for MFA leaflets to be cobranded with Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary.

mercy-for-animals-logo-colorAbout Mercy For Animals

Mercy For Animals is dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.

Imagine a world free of cruelty. Where we nurture our bodies, minds and spirits with wholesome, healthy food that is kind to animals and sustainable for our planet. Mercy For Animals believes that world is possible, in fact inevitable, if we work together to elevate humanity to its fullest potential.

Here is a sneak peak of the materials we will be sharing with the public showing the JAS logo.