There is a revolution happening around the world for animals right now. It is not going away. It will only get stronger until we cease to exploit and torture animals.
Video By Dev Raccord
Two weeks ago for the first time in 4 years a bullfight was held in Bogota. The newly elected mayor decided to bring back the event and the people were furious. It was the most emotional, inspiring and frightening demonstration that I have ever attended. Inspiring was the incredible turnout of thousands of compassionate people surrounding the stadium as the bull fight happened inside.
Each entrance was blocked with massive crowds so that every “spectator” had to fight their way through the mobs, then get the help of police to get inside safely.
Each time a bull was viciously killed inside it was announced to those of us on the outside and in return a moment of silence, tears, and heightened emotions.
The police reacted with large numbers of personnel, tear gas, arrests, and violence.
6 bulls tortured to death yesterday in Bogota. The mayor promises more to come. The crowds will be back and most likely bigger.
Your mayor is going backwards – this sanctioned cruel killing of bulls is from the dark ages. post his contact information and he will be inundated with messages from all over the world telling him what an idiot he is.
yes, is insane! s much hard work from many people against this and he is doing this!! He pretend he love animals but is not true! he lie toeveryone. We can write to his twitter –>
i do agree with your sharing, I feel deeply touched by this video. I encourage everyone loving our friends, our brothers and sisters, our Masters, the animals, to be a single voice claiming and defending them. Stop torture, stop killing and slaughtering
Yes, Only if we stop to hurt others we can have a better world.
The mayor is an animal hater, he also wants the stray dogs gathered up and killed… how about putting the mayor in the bull ring and doing the same to him…. uuum think I will watch that one…. sorry I am passionate about animals – I have zero respect for this asshole. Hope he rots