Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary was awarded with the Honorable Mention for the Defense and Protection of animals, for the first time in Colombia’s history. Along with two other people with projects that help turtles, cats, and dogs, each received a gold medal and certificate from the Bogota Council.
The ceremony took place in the consulate in the middle of the pandemic; with few people in the room and wearing the required protection. Although Colombia has a weak history of enforcing animal protection laws, the recognition of Juliana’s work shows the tide is turning. Filling us with hope for future generations.
For all animal rights advocates, it is a constant challenge to carry out this work; however, receiving this award is an important step in showing the Colombian people that times are changing. Although it’s a slow process, we are seeing real progress in animal protection in this country. Especially now that supporters for this cause with political positions can present their proposals to the government.
Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary, is the first sanctuary for farmed animals founded in South America; it is important to emphasize that . With 15 years of history, the non-profit has experienced all kinds of challenges. The Colombian government imposed many of these challenges with its outdated laws.
Why did they give this award to the sanctuary?
The Bogota Council gave recognition for the sanctuary’s work. For protecting animals and its efforts to educate college students, school children, and infants with special needs. By giving talks about the health and wellness benefits of a life free of animal abuse. Juliana gave a short speech at the Bogotá Council, in which she highlighted this point; which says a lot about the ideology that underpins the sanctuary:
“I had only had one goal in my life. Since I was five years old, I discovered I was eating a loved one, an animal. That one goal is for all of us to recognize that all animals deserve respect and freedom, not just cats and dogs.”
The goal remains the same; however, there is still a lot of work to do. Until all the animals in the world are free, until the industrialization of death that has been the basis of many environmental and social problems in recent decades stops, we will not stop. That is the main objective of the sanctuary.