This is one of those stories that never stop happening in Colombia. It narrates the usual abandonment to which thousands of animals are exposed daily, caused by a constant irresponsibility, for thinking that the other species being not like us do not deserve the same care or attention.
Sri Rama was found in complete abandonment, along with his mother and brothers; They were all almost newborns. One of them was already dead at the time they were found. Of course they sent as soon as possible to the sanctuary, where they found all the comfort to grow normally and became healthy dogs.
The brothers of Sri Rama were adopted and are now living in the United States, however the adoption of him is almost impossible, because he has a rare skin condition and is medicated for life. He receives his treatment without fail and most likely will spend all his days in the sanctuary.
It can be exhausting having to take care of so many needs in one place, in fact a good part of the dogs that remain have this type of condition. Hardly anyone is willing to give up their comfort to serve others, especially an animal. But it is a job that all the people who are working at the sanctuary are willing to do.
The objective of Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary is to educate others so that they understand that regardless of the species we must give all the love possible, because this world in general requires our help so that it can be better, where there is no rejection of anyone, for On the contrary, it is imperative to create a world in which respect and compassion are the primary foundations.
The amazing Sri Rama now lives very happy, he plays every day with a lot of wonderful friends and he is extremely healthy. None of this could be possible without the aid of nice people around the world who also believe in the same cause.
Please consider supporting this wonderful survivor, he deserves the best of this world. You can find the link in our biography.