A few days ago, we spotted a pregnant stray dog in the area but were unable to help her at the time, so we informed the neighbors that if they ...
A Project to save the World!
Raising money to give the animals we rescue the better life they deserve and continue our strong educational programs has never been an easy task. Alt...
The boy who talked with animals
Not many writers had dealt with the mistreatment of animals in the twentieth century. It seems that few considered it as an important subject to deal ...
Animal trials
One of the most ridiculous activities that humans have done against animals is to put them on trial. This was considered a serious practice in past ce...
Juicios en contra de animales
Una de las actividades mas ridículas que han hecho los humanos en contra de los animales es someterlos a juicio. Esta era una práctica considerada c...
The vegan message of Guardians of the Galaxy
This article may contain spoilers. Marvel’s latest movie has become one of the most popular in recent times. But this time it has marked a diffe...
El mensaje vegano de Guardianes de la Galaxia
Este artículo puede contener spoilers. La última película de Marvel se ha convertido en una de las más populares de los últimos tiempos. P...
Alimentos a base de plantas para la piel
Hay muchos alimentos a base de plantas que nos pueden ayudar a cuidar la piel. Sin embargo, no hay que olvidar que, para un cuidado óptimo de ella, l...
Plant based foods for skin care
There are many plant-based foods that can help us take care of our skin. However, we must not forget that, for optimal skin care, the best option is t...
Vegan babies? Is it possible?
This month saw a terrible event, which unfortunately has had too many precedents. Maxim Lyutyi and Oxana Mironova left a 10-month-old child to die of ...